Your Mission:

  • Send back $ to the Church of Scientology

  • Find the Axe of Gunthor for MiniTom Cruise

    • Is said to look like the face of a Minotaur & with fur

  • Things Affecting Everyone In Xen’Drik:

    • Something unknown has given the evil forces in Xen’drik energy to their cause. No one can quite place what’s going on, but it seems to be affecting the animals & vegetation…

Where Am I From & Where Am I Now?

  • You’re currently in the continent Xen’drik & the year is 1000

    • You’re from Droaam, an independent nation generally with monster races

    • You got an animal-drawn cart in your last mission

    • To get to Xen’drik, you sailed from Sharn to Zantashk

      • The mission Joe DM’d was soon after you 1st landed

      • Afterwards Auntie connected you to mysterious benefactors that only met you once very late at night

        • They went by “the Ubetcha’s” & they paid you 250 gold for a sailing expedition promising 750 more on return

        • You’ve been unable to make contact with the Ubetcha’s since returning, but you did befriend the sailing crew who you last heard are looking for the Ubetcha’s in Stormreach

          • One sailor friend is a halfling who received a deal from House Jorasco to start a hospital/tavern somewhere along “The Hydras” river

    • The Last War:

      • Many surrounding nations, particularly Breland, leaned heavily on Droaamites for their armies

      • Despite this Khorvaire refuses to recognize Droaam as an official independent nation

    • Led by the legendary hag sisters, The Sisters of Sora Kell

      • They’re trying to oppose the Church of Silver Flame by replacing their Missionary Soldiers with Droaam Paladins

      • Works with House Tharashk to supply specialty soldiers for bounty hunting missions

        • Through the House they have a program for training assassins & paladins

    • The followers of MiniTom Cruise & Scientology are refused recognition by the Dark Six, the major religion of Droaam

      • Dark Six is viewed similarly as Satanism is viewed IRL

      • The Church of Scientology worked you into the House Tharashk paladin program so you can bring back $ & riches


You’re in the world of Eberron

  • Eberron is a planet in the Material Plane, a safe zone, surrounded by 13 other orbiting planes of existence

  • The 13 rings/planes in space each have dangerous effects, like a plane where the world is covered entirely in fire, etc.

  • The main continent is Khorvaire, generally populated by humans & is the most powerful continent

  • The world is reeling from the ongoing (?) Centuries War

  • You’re currently in the continent of Xen’drik

    • Xen’drik is a resource-rich but mysterious continent, shaped by the after-effects of dangerous magic used 40k yrs ago in a war between ancient Dragon Lords, that used to rule Eberron, vs. ancient Giants known for their technological & magical crafting skills

    • It is expensive to travel to Xen’drik, generally from Sharn to Stormreach

      • The “Thunder Sea” separating Xen’drik from Khorvaire is extremely volatile, so the best way to get there is by magically-enhanced-boats from House Lyandar

      • Most boats, from inexpensive to expensive, will hire a Sahaguin guide, fish people from Xen’drik who were generally hostile until the War made travel Xen’drik more common

    • Major cities:

      • Stormreach

        • Major port nearest to Khorvaire

        • Hub for most business

      • Dar Qat

        • Ruled by the Inspired, psychic lords from Sarlona

        • Hostile to foreigners

      • Zantashk

        • Pirate town generally ruled by monster races like orcs

    • Close to Zantashk there is a hostile mining city (Emil) inside a mountain

      • Not much is known about the city other than it is ruled by a line of Dwarven nobility, the Bronzeshield’s

      • The city’s ruler, Torr Bronzeshield, was very close to the now-dead King Galifar - former King of Khorvaire

      • After Galifar died Torr Bronzeshield took up residence in the mountain for a haven from The War

        • Used to be friendly but now their armies will attack strangers

      • The armies are, strangely, rumored to battle to the death against each other

    • Xen’drik is the best place to get dragonshards from, it falls from the sky here from the Siberys Interplanetary Ring way up in space

      • All the politically powerful rely on the resources exclusive to Xen’drik, mostly khyber & siberys dragonshards, but also ancient giant artifacts that grant powers

      • Dragonshards (listed by most-to-least rare)

        • Siberys

          • The most expensive & mostly found in Xen’drik

          • Used to enhance dragonmarked powers

        • Khyber

          • Can bind elements together into powerful artifacts

            • e.g. Lightning rail & flight use artificier khyber technology

        • Eberron Shards

          • Enhances magical items & can be used as a Material component for casting spells

    • The Travelers Curse

      • You can’t map Xen’drik (shift zones)

        • Most of the land, outside of the major cities, is susceptible to shifts that day-to-day change the entire environment (e.g a stretch of jungle changes to arctic tundra)

        • You can hire guides, best are half-giants or drow, to avoid shift zones