Your Mission:

  • Follow the signs of Molokar or Moradin as you explore the balance, or lack thereorf, between your religion & personal ambition

  • Explore why Jinx took your book?

Where Am I From & Where Am I Now?

  • You’re from Sarlona

    • Sarlona is generally hostile to foreigners & main heads of power see themselves as above Khorvarian issues

      • For reasons unknown, dragonmarks do not originate in Sarlona or to children who were born to parents conceived in Sarlona

    • Modern day Kalashtar are descendants of ancient human Monks that were first touched by the Quori, leading to the creation of humans in Eberron & eventually the Kalashtar

    • Most of Sarlona is under the “Unity of Riedra” ruled by the Inspired who force kalashtar to worship them

      • The Inspired are beautiful humanoids, the most powerful of whom are inhabited by quori giving them psychic abilities

        • Although the Riedran government downplays these instances, it is known that there is % risk of an Inspired being inhabited by an evil quori - looking to undermind Eberron & return it to the Dreaming Dark

          • The Riedran government generally tolerates these individuals until they can’t - then they are exiled from Sarlona

      • There are small pockets of kalashtar-majority tribes outside of Riedra, who war for independence from the Inspired

        • Although Kalashtar are seen as outsiders to the Inspired, becoming a follower of The Path of Light signals your neutrality to Inspired v Kalashtar / acceptance of Riedran rule

        • You said before you wanted your family to have become victims to war, so we can say 1 or another they got swept up in this struggle against the Inspired & you don’t know their current status

    • Eberron experiences odd effects due to the 13 planes revolving around the Material Plane Eberron exists in, however these oddities are even more pronounced in Sarlona

      • Most of the continent experiences extraplanar breaches that change the landscape & physics of the affected land

  • Getting to Xen’Drik in the year 989

    • Sarlona under Riedra has generally ignored the rest of the world, that is until the War showed financial opportunities - generally to the benefit of the most powerful in Riedran government

      • Dar Qat

        • Close to the time before you were born, Riedra found large mining opportunities of “crystal wastes” in western Xen’Drik. Thus, Riedra created its 1st outpost outside of Sarlona, Dar Qat, for the purpose of mining & refining crystal wastes & then sending it back to Sarlona

        • Not much is widely known about how crystal wastes are used, other than they significantly amplify the Inspired’s psychic powers

        • One way or another, following your visions & for the purpose of getting to Xen’Drik, Bolo got himself on to a cargo barge headed for Dar Qat - but luckily it 1st stopped in Sharn (Khorvaire)

          • From there you got swept up in a mass of refugees fleeing The War & heading to the mountain city of Emil, a haven created by a dwarven clan of renown The Bronzeshields

        • For admittance into Emil you would have signed an agreement with House Kundarak

        • One thing led to another, you’re in Emil, & it was placed under martial law - barring you from leaving


You’re in the world of Eberron

  • Eberron is a planet in the Material Plane, a safe zone, surrounded by 13 other orbiting planes of existence

  • The 13 rings/planes in space each have dangerous effects, like a plane where the world is covered entirely in fire, etc.

    • Occasionally, due to their revolutions around the Material Plane, the other planes come close into contact leading to odd effects

      • Generally it will be something like the ice plane comes close & makes cold areas even colder

  • The main continent is Khorvaire, generally populated by humans & is the most powerful continent

  • The world is reeling from the ongoing (?) Centuries War

  • You’re currently in the continent of Xen’drik

    • Xen’drik is a resource-rich but mysterious continent, shaped by the after-effects of dangerous magic used 40k yrs ago in a war between ancient Dragon Lords, that used to rule Eberron, vs. ancient Giants known for their technological & magical crafting skills

    • It is expensive to travel to Xen’drik, generally from Sharn to Stormreach

      • The “Thunder Sea” separating Xen’drik from Khorvaire is extremely volatile, so the best way to get there is by magically-enhanced-boats from House Lyandar

      • Most boats, from inexpensive to expensive, will hire a Sahaguin guide, fish people from Xen’drik who were generally hostile until the War made travel Xen’drik more common

    • Major cities:

      • Stormreach

        • Major port nearest to Khorvaire

        • Hub for most business

      • Dar Qat

        • Ruled by the Inspired, psychic lords from Sarlona

        • Hostile to foreigners

      • Zantashk

        • Pirate town generally ruled by monster races like orcs

    • Close to Zantashk there is a hostile mining city (Emil) inside a mountain

      • Not much is known about the city other than it is ruled by a line of Dwarven nobility, the Bronzeshield’s

      • The city’s ruler, Torr Bronzeshield, was very close to the now-dead King Galifar - former King of Khorvaire

      • After Galifar died Torr Bronzeshield took up residence in the mountain for a haven from The War

        • Used to be friendly but now their armies will attack strangers

      • The armies are, strangely, rumored to battle to the death against each other

    • Xen’drik is the best place to get dragonshards from, it falls from the sky here from the Siberys Interplanetary Ring way up in space

      • All the politically powerful rely on the resources exclusive to Xen’drik, mostly khyber & siberys dragonshards, but also ancient giant artifacts that grant powers

      • Dragonshards (listed by most-to-least rare)

        • Siberys

          • The most expensive & mostly found in Xen’drik

          • Used to enhance dragonmarked powers

        • Khyber

          • Can bind elements together into powerful artifacts

            • e.g. Lightning rail & flight use artificier khyber technology

        • Eberron Shards

          • Enhances magical items & can be used as a Material component for casting spells

    • The Travelers Curse

      • You can’t map Xen’drik (shift zones)

        • Most of the land, outside of the major cities, is susceptible to shifts that day-to-day change the entire environment (e.g a stretch of jungle changes to arctic tundra)

        • You can hire guides, best are half-giants or drow, to avoid shift zones